Sit with that coffee mug. Smell the aroma of coffee wafting. Let it soak your senses. Relax. Feel the beauty of the moment. Let it sink deep into the soul and let your heart smile. Grab that moment and live it. You deserve it!
Stand in front of the mirror. Look deeply into your eyes and smile widely and warmly at your own self. Loosen up for a moment and let go of all judgements. Look and marvel at the divine, and unique self that you are. Let your smile soothe and heal your heart, even if it be for a moment! Steal that moment. You are worth that moment.
Stop by a flower that’s blossoming. Watch a sunset. Watch a smile that spreads across the baby’s face while it sleeps. Look at the bright smile of another when it breaks with immense joy and revel in it.
There are hundreds of things to rejoice in, moments to be aware, moments filled with joy, love and happiness sprinkled across and all over the day. Take the time to embrace those moments or they will be lost forever.
Create moments of joy now. Stop every once in a while, now. Capture the elusive, slippery tiny moments and fill your soul with love and joy, now.
You need those moments. You deserve all those moments. You owe it yourself – all those precious moments of being with yourself – all those moments of joy and immense happiness!!